Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call is an expanded version of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, including all the songs from the originals plus new ones for a total of 221 songs. There are also numerous gameplay improvements and a new multiplayer mode.

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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call

Developer: indieszero
Publisher: Square Enix
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: April 24, 2014
Released in US: September 26, 2014
Released in EU: September 19, 2014

This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused models.
This game has unused music.

The sequel to the confusingly-named rhythm game, with more music from the Final Fantasy series.

  • 1Unused backgrounds
  • 3Unused series categories
  • 4Unused menu music

Unused backgrounds

Some of the background models went unused in the main game and only appeared in DLC tracks. A few, however, were not used at all.

btl013: カオス神殿:カオス戦 (Chaos Shrine: Chaos Battle)

An alternative version of the Chaos Shrine from Final Fantasy.

btl021: 森 (Forest)

A forest from Final Fantasy II.

fld061: フィールド背景 (Field Background)

A field background of the World of Balance from Final Fantasy VI.

fld093: フィールド背景:夜 (Field Background: Night)

A night-time version of the Final Fantasy IX world map background.

fld116: ミザレオ海岸 (Misareaux Coast)

Misareaux Coast from Final Fantasy XI. The sky texture is in the wrong place, resulting in the black bar on the right-hand side of the screen.

Placeholder Character

During development, this character (known only as PLY001) would have been used if the folder for a character's models and portraits was not present. It has a full set of animations and facial expressions. This can actually be seen on the file select screen if the Game Card is put into another 3DS.

Unused series categories

Final Fantasy XV

The file SeriesTable.csv has an entry for Final Fantasy XV, possibly for the track Somnus which appeared in the original Theatrhythm but never made it to Curtain Call. There are also background images for display in the music list, but they are the same as the ones for the Square Enix Titles category.

Other Music

This category does not contain any music, not even DLC, but the background graphics are there.

Unused menu music


This remixed version of Festival of the Hunt from Final Fantasy IX was used in the original game. The menu it played in was removed for Curtain Call, but the music file is still present.

The Final Fantasy series
NESFinal Fantasy • Final Fantasy II (US Prototype) • Final Fantasy III
Game BoyThe Final Fantasy Legend • Final Fantasy Legend II • Final Fantasy Legend III • Final Fantasy Adventure
SNESFinal Fantasy IV • Final Fantasy V • Final Fantasy VI (US Prototype) • Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
PlayStationFinal Fantasy IV • Final Fantasy V • Final Fantasy VI • Final Fantasy VII • Final Fantasy VIII • Final Fantasy IX • Final Fantasy Tactics • Ehrgeiz • Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon • Chocobo's Dungeon 2
PlayStation 2Final Fantasy X (Prototype) • Final Fantasy X-2 • Final Fantasy XII
Game Boy AdvanceFinal Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls • Final Fantasy IV Advance • Final Fantasy V Advance • Final Fantasy VI Advance • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
GameCubeFinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Nintendo DSFinal Fantasy III • Final Fantasy IV • Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
PlayStation PortableFinal Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII • Dissidia Final Fantasy • Final Fantasy Type-0
Xbox 360Final Fantasy XIII (Prototype)
PlayStation 3Final Fantasy XIII (Prototype) • Final Fantasy XIII-2
WiiFinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time • Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Nintendo 3DSTheatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call
WindowsFinal Fantasy XI • Final Fantasy XIV • Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (Heavensward) • Final Fantasy XIII (Prototype) • Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition
PlayStation 4Final Fantasy XV • Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT
Retrieved from ''

Eiko scoring a critical hit in. For the status that makes all attacks landed critical hits, see:.A critical hit ( クリティカルヒット, Kuritikaru Hitto ), also known as a Critical Strike, Mighty Blow, and Mortal Blow, or simply as Critical, is the term given to a physical attack that is somewhat stronger than the attack's normal version. Critical hits have a chance of occurring when the command is used. They commonly deal double the normal damage, but cannot naturally.Depending on the game, critical hits either play a different sound effect, the screen flashes, or the word 'Critical' is displayed. The chance of a critical hit is usually related to the stat.Some equipment or support abilities may increase the hit rate.

Some command abilities also always hit with a critical hit, albeit sacrificing the accuracy of the strike. Some games also have a that deal critical hits while the status is in effect. This section in Final Fantasy II is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by.In the 3D version, critical hits are signaled by a screen flash and a different sound effect.Cecil scoring a critical hit (3D).Critical hits are only caused through physical attacks through the Fight command, and are not applied to other commands such as or.In the 3D version however, Kick can cause critical hits. The chance of critical hit occurring when selecting the Fight command is 1/32, and cannot occur if the character is in or status.

While the screen will flash on critical hits in all versions, the 3D version also plays a different attack animation, and the sound played is louder.A higher stat awards for more critical hits. A bug concerning the critical hits exists in the version, in which some weapons prevent criticals from ever happening, and the state will never fix itself, even after unequipping the weapon. The following weapons have the No Critical 'status' applied to them, and as such are the cause of the No Critical Bug in the SNES versions. All of 's whips.

This section in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by.A critical hit.Critical hits are only caused by a physical attack from certain weapons (, bare fists, and ). The chance to get a critical hit, is a fixed percentage that depends on which weapon is being used. Most have a 12% critical rate, but some have higher chances, most notably the, and the.There are also three other weapons that can score critical hits:, and each with each physical attack they do to get a critical hit each time. The Rune Blade consumes 8 MP per attack, while the Axe and Chime consume 5 MP. Critical hits ignore defense.The critical hit formula is:Let N1 = (0.99) If N1 16 $The result would not be a critical hit as 36 is more than 16.There are 26 weapons that affect the Critical%.

Is the only weapon to add just one. Tifa's first eight weapons; the, the, the, the, the, the, the, and the; all add two. Her second best weapon, the, does the same, as does, and, and.and are the only two to add three., Barret's, Tifa's, Yuffie's, Cait Sith's, and add four. Aeris's, 's, and all add five.Sephiroth's Masamune always scores critical hits when he is a in the party.There are other ways to score critical hits: through the command, a player can score a definite critical attack if it hits (three times less likely than a normal attack), although some weapons have the maximum hit rate of 255%. Another method of definitely scoring a critical is through the status inflicted by one of Cait Sith's. Three Limit Breaks deal critical hits all the time: Yuffie's Gauntlet, Barret's Satellite Beam and Cloud's.Units in status never deal critical hits.Attacks to the targets' backsides in formations deal increased damage.

The battles in 's pagoda, and Cloud's final showdown with, are unique battles where the player's first physical attack always deals double damage even if the battles are not of any special battle formations.The player will score a critical hit when striking an enemy from behind, and will also occasionally do so otherwise as well. Rolling a 6-6-6 on the gives a 100% critical accuracy for a limited time, as well as 's Modulating Phase,. The Sniper Eye and Genji Glove accessories also grant the status.critical hit Rate = (Attacker's Luck - Defender's Luck) / 2.56 (%).Barret landing a critical hit in Final Fantasy VII Remakeis currently slated to allow the chance to land critical hits.Whenever a critical hit occurs, the damage is doubled, unless if done via or trigger, which will do x1.5 damage.The formula for a critical hit is as follows:$ critical hit Rate = Luck+1/256.100 $Squall and Seifer cannot perform critical hits beside triggering their gunblades correctly; thus, the player doesn't need to Luck to Squall.

Whenever Squall performs his, if the player times the trigger in accordance to the bar in the gauge that appears at the bottom of the screen, in the window the moment it flashes, the damage dealt will be critical. If the timing is mistimed, the damage is normal. Some other characters' Limit Breaks can also critical, such as. The command is also treated as a physical attack and can thus critical.characters cannot perform critical hits, not even Squall and Seifer who never miss.Critical hits are signaled by large yellow 'Critical' with the damage, and only physical attacks may critical.The formula for a Critical hit is as follows:$ If Rnd MOD Spr / 4 Rnd (0.99), Hit is critical. $Critical hits are signaled with a screen flash and a different sound effect. The chances of a critical hit increases the higher the unit's Luck is and the lower the target's Luck is.

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It is possible to raise a character's Luck stat so high every hit they deal is critical. In the original Japanese and NA versions, this is achieved by raising Luck to 127.

133 Luck is required to ensure critical hits (not all Overdrives can critical, however). While in International, PAL,.