After a lonely summer on Privet Drive, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) returns to a Hogwarts full of ill-fortune. Few of students and parents believe him or Dumbledore (Sir Michael Gambon) that Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) is really back.

'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' still has much of the. As for the cast, the 'Potter' series has turned into a work-release program for. Harry Potter Double Feature: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix /Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Blu-ray by Warner Home Video by David Yates. $272.25 $ 272. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. More Buying Choices. $29.00 (3 used & new offers) See All Formats.

The ministry had decided to step in by appointing a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge (Imelda Staunton), who proves to be the nastiest person Harry has ever encountered. Harry also can't help stealing glances with the beautiful Cho Chang (Katie Leung). To top it off are dreams that Harry can't explain, and a mystery behind something for which Voldemort is searching.

With these many things, Harry begins one of his toughest years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After his fourth traumatic year at Hogwarts that ended with a showdown with the franchise's very own Mr Bad, Lord Voldemort, it doesn't seem too much for Harry Potter to be asking for a peaceful Summer. However, he doesn't get such a wish – from the opening scene in which Harry and his despised cousin Dudley have close encounters of the life-threatening kind with two dementors in an underground passage, it is clear that Voldemort has unfinished business with the scarred lad, and that he has every intention of finishing it. Plus, nearly everyone in Harry's school believe him to be a liar, Professor Dumbledore refuses to look him in the eye, his friends don't understand him, and, on top of that, Harry must grapple with the skills required in mastering his first kiss.

Everything related to the Cabal is large, dirty, and menacing. Their architecture is spews black smoke and grime, while a Cabal soldier, upon death, will also leak dark oil. Capital ships and vehicles are massive, with the 'unstoppable engine of war' fueling a widespread, organized expansion. Checking out Cabal 2! Here is my Cabal 2 female character creation, I decided to start out with the Wizard. New Character Creation Screen and BGM - Cabal Online - Duration: 2:46. TDR Nevareth 32,707 views. Cabal 2 was developed as a redesign of Cabal Online and runs on the CryEngine 3 platform. It keeps most of the classes from the original game, exchanging the Blader for the new Priest. It was developed by South Korean studio ESTsoft, Inc. The classes in the original game were gender locked, as. War Beasts—vicious, four-legged Cabal creatures who debut in Destiny 2. 7th Company War Beast; Crimson Shadow; Honored War Beast; Hound of the Cleaver; Loyalist War Beast; Royal Beast; War Hound; Shadowbeast (Taken) Psion—non-Cabal slaves that have powerful psionic abilities and clairvoyance. They are armed with Slug Rifles or Cabal Headhunters. They can move around quicker than other Cabal units. Cabal 2 characters.

My, my, aren't teenage lives complicated?! A word of warning.

This is not a film for the uninitiated. If 'patronum', 'Avada Kedavra' and 'ministry of Magic' sound like code to you, then best avoid watching this. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix makes no attempt to guide the newbies along the story (and rightly so, because any attempt at that would detract from the film and patronize its viewers). To fully comprehend the plot, you must have seen the four previous films as well as read the book from which this film is based. The film itself is a wonderful jumble of goods, bads, and uglies. Dead in bermuda walkthrough.

There is plenty to enjoy here, starting with the flawless turn from Imelda Staunton as the sadistic Dolores Umbridge. The woman who we are so used to seeing in roles as the sweet old lady, whether it be in Shakespeare in Love, or her Oscar-nominated turn in Vera Drake, her performance here is a shock and a half. Kitted out from head to toe in pink and sporting a sugary air, we soon find that Umbridge, whose methods of punishment include using quills that protract blood on her students, is anything but sweet. Staunton captures Umbridge's ruthless oiliness perfectly; never before has evil been such fun to watch.

Rupert Grint is also a joy. His ginger hair, large blue eyes, bumbling demeanour and spot-on comedy timing make him the true star of the show, and every scene that he features in benefits as a result of his appearance. Simply put, he is Godly.

Sadly, the other two teen stars are nowhere near as good as Grint; Radcliffe, who gave an adequate performance in the West End's Equus, is back to his shoddy self here with an array of overreaching facial expressions and laughable deliveries of his lines. He is most embarrassing of all in the lead-up to kissing Cho Chang, in which everyone in my cinema was collapsing with laughter at his 'performance.'

But it gets even worst, for Emma Watson, aspiring Cambridge student, World Peace Representative (probably) and general object of annoyance to average, frumpy teenage girls such as myself, gave a performance that was so awful, it damn near lost me the will to live. She just couldn't portray any of her emotions convincingly, and just settled for saying the lines that were written for her. Whereas Hermione was one of my favourite characters in the book due to her kindness, knowledge and appreciation for others' feelings, Emma's presentation of Hermione makes her insufferable and punch-worthy.

It ain't good. The two 'actors' aside, my main other foible with this film was how it cut/altered some very important details of the book. For example, in the book, it is Kreacher who betrays Sirius and puts him in danger. The appearance of Snape's past as a hated and bullied student is also poorly put together and left to linger rather than properly dealt with. The Cho Chang storyline is pitiful, whereas in the book, we had been led to see that she wasn't all that she had cracked up to be as a person, in the film, she is the sketchiest of sketches and written off practically before she has begun. In terms of 2007 releases, only Pirates of the Caribbean III had more plot holes than this.

That said, I had a huge amount of fun in the 2 and a half hours that this film played, with three newcomers to this movie, Yates (director), Michael Goldenberg (screenwriter) and Hooper (composer). The direction was apt, not perfect, but acceptable. The score was acceptable. The visual effects were stunning, especially in the climactic finale between Dumbeldore's Army and Voldemort's Deatheaters, led by Jason Isaacs, where an entire storeroom containing shelved globes containing prophecies, one of which concerns Harry. It is here that Helena Bonham Carter emerges as Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the final and greatest joys of the film. Laughing manically and sporting long hair greasier than a Professor Snape-Cristiano Ronaldo mixup, she makes the most of her limited screen time to deliver one of the best performances in all the Harry Potter movies.

Utterly haunting. Thus, verily I say, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a worthwhile outing. If you can put up with the abomination commonly known as 'Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson trying to act', as well as the slightly pretentious over-editing of Harry's dream sequences, not to mention the ten thousand odd plot holes, then you should venture out to the cinema to see this. Not capital film-making, but, as I'm yet to see Ratatouille and The Simpsons movie, about as good as you'll get this Summer from the cinema.

Harry Potter is spending another tedious summer with hisdreadful Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon when a group of evil spiritscalled “dementors” stage an unexpected attack on Harry and his cousin Dudley.After using magic to defend himself, Harry is visited by a groupof wizards and whisked off to number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.Number twelve is the home of Harry’s godfather, Sirius Black, andthe headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. The Order is a groupof wizards, led by Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore, dedicatedto fighting evil Lord Voldemort and his followers. The Order isforced to operate in secrecy, outside of the jurisdiction of theMinistry of Magic, which is headed by the dense and corrupt CorneliusFudge. Fudge refuses to believe that Lord Voldemort has returned.

Harry used magic to fight off the dementors, and sinceunderage wizards are not permitted to use their wands outside ofschool, he must face a disciplinary hearing at the Ministry. WithDumbledore’s help, Harry is cleared and permitted to return to HogwartsSchool of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Reunited with his best friends, Ron and Hermione, Harry returnsto Hogwarts and learns that Dolores Umbridge, an employee of Fudge,will be his new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The SortingHat, which traditionally sorts all new students into one of fourhouses, cautions the students against becoming too internally divided.Meanwhile, the wizard newspaper, the Daily Prophet,continues printing untrue and unfair stories about Harry. Many ofhis classmates are whispering about him behind his back, but Harryignores them and tries to concentrate on his studies, since allfifth-year students at Hogwarts are required to take O.W.L.s, or OrdinaryWizarding Level examinations.

Umbridge refuses to teach her students how to performDefense spells, and before long, Fudge appoints her High Inquisitorof Hogwarts, giving her the authority to inspect all faculty membersand evaluate their skills. In desperation, Harry, Hermione, andRon form their own Defense Against the Dark Arts group, also knownas the D.A., or Dumbledore’s Army. Twenty-five other students sign up,and they meet as often as possible to learn and practice Defense spells.Harry wishes desperately to contact his godfather Sirius to discussthe situation, but Umbridge is inspecting all Owl Mail and patrollingthe fires that students can use to make contact with wizards residingoutside of Hogwarts. Umbridge openly dislikes Harry, whom she considersa liar, and eventually bans him from the Gryffindor Quidditch team.Ron’s twin brothers, Fred and George, storm out of Hogwarts in protest,moving to London where they plan to open a joke shop using the moneyHarry won last year in the Triwizard Tournament.

Harry continues to have upsetting dreams about walkingdown a corridor at the Department of Mysteries, deep inside theMinistry of Magic. At the end of the corridor, Harry goes throughseveral doors and enters a room full of dusty glass spheres. Harryalways wakes up before he finds out what the dream means or whatthe spheres signify. One night, Harry has a vision where he inhabitsthe body of a large snake, and attacks Ron’s father. Harry wakesup horrified, and Professor McGonagall takes him to Dumbledore immediately. Dumbledoreuses the portraits on the walls of his office to raise an alert,and Mr. Weasley is promptly rescued by two members of the Order.Dumbledore then demands that Harry take Occlumency lessons withProfessor Snape, which should help Harry protect his mind againstfurther invasions by Lord Voldemort.

Harry is unsuccessful at Occlumency because he has suchdifficulty clearing his mind of all thoughts, making it difficultfor him to focus on closing his mind off to all outside influence.Meanwhile, his scar (from the attack in which Voldemort killed Harry’sparents) burns horribly every time Voldemort experiences a powerfulemotion. The D.A. continues to meet regularly, and Harry’s peersshow great improvement until they are caught by Umbridge. Dumbledore takesfull responsibility for the group and resigns as Headmaster. Umbridgetakes over his position. The students begin taking their O.W.L.exams, and Harry has another vision, this time about Sirius beingheld captive and tortured by Voldemort. Horrified, Harry becomesdetermined to save him. Hermione warns Harry that Voldemort maybe deliberately trying to lure Harry to the Department of Mysteries,but Harry is too concerned about Sirius to take any chances.

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix Cast

Harry sneaks into Umbridge’s office, and, using her fireplace, transportshimself to Twelve Grimmauld Place to look for Sirius. Kreacher,the Black house elf, tells Harry that Sirius is at the Ministryof Magic. Harry returns to Hogwarts to find that he and his friendshave been caught in Umbridge’s office. Hermione and Harry convinceUmbridge to follow them into the forest, where they claim to behiding a weapon for Dumbledore. Once in the forest, Centaurs carryUmbridge away. Harry and his friends climb aboard flying horsescalled thestrals and speed off to the Ministry. Once they arrive,Harry cannot find Sirius and realizes that Hermione was right. Harryalso sees that one of the glass spheres has his name on it, as wellas Voldemort’s. Harry grabs the sphere, and Death Eaters surroundto attack, demanding that Harry hand over the prophecy. Employingall of their Defense skills, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna,and Neville have moderate success fighting the Death Eaters, butthey are ultimately helped enormously by the arrival of several membersof the Order. In the midst of the fight, Harry drops the glass sphere,and it shatters. Meanwhile, Sirius’ own cousin, Death Eater BellatrixLestrange, kills Sirius. Harry is devastated.

Dumbledore appears and corrals the Death Eaters. Voldemort andLestrange escape, just as Fudge shows up. Dumbledore sends Harryback to school, where he explains how the sphere was a prophecy,which stated that Harry has a power that Voldemort does not knowabout. Dumbledore explains that this power is love. The prophecygoes on to claim that Harry will either destroy Voldemort or bedestroyed by him. Dumbledore takes this opportunity to tell Harrywhy he must spend his summers with the Durselys in Little Whinging.Because Harry’s mother died to save him, he is blessed with herlove, a blessing that can be sealed only by blood. Harry’s AuntPetunia, his mother’s sister, makes that bond complete by takingHarry into her home. As long as he still calls Little Whinging home,Harry is safe. With this news, Harry returns to his Aunt and Uncle’shouse for one more miserable summer.