Light travels at 186,000 miles per second (300 million meters per second) and is believed to set the of the universe. But what does the speed of light actually look like?It might sound like a ridiculous question, but optical researchers at the California Institute of Technology recently built to find an answer. In a new video posted to YouTube channel, CalTech researchers demonstrated their camera's capabilities by filming a laser beam passing through a bottle of milk at about 100 billion frames per second. (For comparison, most movies are filmed at 24 frames per second.) In the resulting footage, photons clearly streak through the milk in a blue blur as the laser travels across the screen from left to right. Milk molecules helped scatter the photons in the laser beam, similar to how scatter the light from otherwise-invisible stars.

Draw Something Cheat. Get help with your Draw Something and Draw Something Classic drawings with this easy to use cheat. Solve all drawings within minutes, you'll never have to lose your progress again! This website contains over 56.000 words of the popular iOS and Android game Draw Something.

According to Peng Wang, the CalTech postdoctoral student who demonstrated the camera in the new video, the light traveled through the length of the bottle in about 2,000 picoseconds, or 2.Amazingly, 100 billion frames per second is only a fraction of what the CalTech camera is capable of capturing. Known as T-CUP, the camera was first described in an October 2018 paper in the journal and is reportedly capable of photographing light at 10 trillion frames per second. The researchers developed T-CUP for the express purpose of filming ultrashort laser pulses in incredible detail — in other words, to capture the speed of light.While the camera on your phone takes two-dimensional photos, T-CUP is a type of, which records images in a single dimension, very very quickly. Unlike prior streak cameras, which create composite images of light by recording different horizontal slices of laser over multiple laser pulses, the T-CUP is able to image an entire laser pulse in a single frame.

It does this by diverting the laser beam to two different cameras simultaneously, then using a computer program to combine the two images.More remarkable still, researchers may soon be able to surpass T-CUP's power with a camera capable of recording 1 quadrillion frames per second, according to Lihong Wang, a CalTech professor and one of the camera's inventors. Cameras this fast could one day make their way into medical research, Wang told the The Slow Mo Guys in a. This would allow researchers to image living human tissue (including the ) with unprecedented detail.

We'd tell you to keep your eyes open for more updates — but you probably aren't fast enough to see them, anyway.Editor’s note: This article has been updated to show that 2 nanoseconds is equivalent to 2 billionths of a second.Originally published on.

Draw Something is the “World’s Most Popular Drawing Game”. Have fun with your friends and family exchanging doodle art. Sketch a perfect work of art and participate in our contests. Pick up your brush and start painting now.Highlights:. You don't need artistic skills to have fun with this game. Doodles, stick figures and sense of humor are welcome. Enjoy the addictive turn based drawing game in Draw & Guess mode.

Sketch and show your creativity with colors. Guess what other artists have drawn in Guess Something mode. Loads of new and updated words to draw! From Science to Pop Culture, we’ve got you covered. Make new friends through art. Challenge friends for a quick match or partner up with new ones!. Practice drawing and unlock color packs.

We’ve got all the colors of the rainbow and then some for the best sketching and painting experience!. Get featured on our Facebook page if your painting is awesome. Earn badges and unlock achievements for the words you draw.Links:us on social media for updates, features, competitions and much more!- Facebook: Twitter: @WeDrawSomethingCollection and use of personal data are subject to Zynga's Privacy Policy ( By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments. AFinitDataCallback(key: 'ds:17', isError: false, hash: '24', data:functionreturn 'gp:AOqpTOEZpFWlT8YkukPPQqkOhrjynWOpL7V6E4dl93AMF04wvA6kFnQtx1QyAmSt52cQr2fEN4jkeE7rbNg','Corey Duckworth',null,2,null,null,null,'Game, Awful Ad Experience.

This game used to be so much fun, and it still is fun. However, this game is full of ads that are major time wasters. I got physically nauseous when I realized that I would have to watch a 30 second ad every time I finished my turns and it sucks! You can't even purchase ad relief. You have to invite friends, and then even if you do get 5 friends to start playing it's only gets you ad free for a couple months. Nearly instant uninstall.' ,502000000,4,null,null,'1','Corey Duckworth',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Covin',null,2,null,null,null,'would give this game 5 stars if there weren't so many frickin ADS.

I don't even pay attention to them, so, failed marketing. I would gladly pay up to $5 so I don't have to see any more stupid ads.

I understand the reason for them BUT after every game? After almost every guess? I like this idea, wish I had a stylus my art skills are poor but it's fun!

Let me pay for this app!' ,211000000,4,null,null,'5','Michelle Covin',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Blanchard',null,2,null,null,null,'was written by a lousy programmer. Many of the digital features like money does not display accurately. The game pauses to load and eventually lets you in. It was not drawing properly today, it was a really bad error.

Zynga published it and should be embarassed. It is an interesting game. The little annoyances are many. It would be decent with some bug fixes and functionality changes. ,367000000,1,null,null,'5','Steve Blanchard',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Martinez',null,2,null,null,null,'really like this game.


You get a variety of options on what to draw. It's intertaining seeing other people try to guess your drawing and you can get bombs to help you out on guessing someones drawing when your not sure what it is.

You can get many diffrent color palets to make your drawing colorful. And I like seeing other peoples amazing drawings in challenges.'

,149000000,4,null,null,'0','Aracrli Martinez',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Abraham',null,2,null,null,null,'get way too many play requests from other members and every time I do, it interferes with the game. I can't get more free bombs or coins by watching videos, it just won't respond, so I can't increase my coins/bombs, ever.

Uninstalling/reinstalling doesn't work. Wish we could block play requests!! Have sent 5 messages in all but have never had a response. And of course, the perpetually annoying constant ads you are obliged to put up with all the time!

ETA: I refuse to play this any longer.' ,493000000,9,null,null,'2','Alexandra Abraham',null,null,2,null,null,null,'game. But I have some issues on 2 nd day itself.

After drawing when I try to send it then it says unable to send and game must be reloaded. It keeps happening again and again. Also for some reason game crashes when I try to see one particular person's drawing, can't do anything. Please help',131000000,5,null,null,'1','Shruti',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Wong',null,2,null,null,null,'needed. I am playing on a Samsung Note 3 (android ver. 5) and I could not send out drawings after done drawing. I have checked my wifi connection by using another phone to play with my account.

There are no issues another phone. I have been playing for almost a week on the Note 3 and I wouldnt say there hasnt been issues but those are pretty minor. This problem, not able to send out drawings, is the worst so far. Things I tried: 1. Restarted Note 3. Uninstall the game and reinstalling.' ,4000000,4,null,null,'4','Faye Wong',null,null,2,null,null,null,'the glitches please!

It is a great game and great fun with friends during lock down but now pretty much every drawing we submit it goes to the sending drawing screen and just glitches there. It doesn't send and you lose your masterpiece. We are trying to out do each other with elaborate drawings and it's very upsetting to spend 20 minutes perfecting your masterpiece to have to close the app completely and start with a different word from scratch. Fix this and the game's golden',897000000,4,null,null,'3','bethellen',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Fernandes',null,2,null,null,null,'mamy ads after every single play.

Way too many ads. What the hell with that amount of ads. Please stop putting that many. It should be every 4 minutes at lease.

Not every 4 seconds. Also it's American drawings and words that the rest of the world may not know because God forbid people live in other countries and can actually spell.' ,607000000,6,null,null,'4','Irene Fernandes',null,null,2,null,null,null,'khan',null,2,null,null,null,'worked OK in the beginning but annoying as the words kept repeating. I could easily guess something because I had drawn it 2 seconds ago in another round. Very annoying. Also, the entire process of getting stars etc is so slow. I want to guess draw and move on fast, not waste time seeing stars appear one by one gosh.

Now the app doesn't even work at all. It just keeps crashing.' ,473000000,32,null,null,'3','yamna khan',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Linde',null,2,null,null,null,'a lot of fun to play especially with friends you don't get to see often. My only complaint is it kind of recycles the words after you've played so long so its super easy to guess since you've drawn it over and over. It should update the guess list more often. Otherwise I love it.' ,936000000,3,null,null,'2','Taylour Linde',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Winslow',null,2,null,null,null,'permanent way to disable in-game ads.

Enjoyable game play Crashes often Enjoyable game play. Has to use slowly generated in-game currency to temporarily gain access to a bonus pack only for it to be taken away a moment.

Life of black tiger cheats And even on its original platform, Life of Black Tiger is bad - to the point where booting the game up on an iPad 3 sees the game completely fail to load the 3D engine, resulting in a 'start mission' prompt immediately jumping to a 'failed' caption. It's easy to prototype game concepts on this platform, but producing an optimised, polished title requires a lot of work - something that Life of Black Tiger clearly lacks. Playing on an iPhone 6 Plus does get into the game but freezes the phone shortly thereafter, apparently because we're running a recent OS.Booting up the new console version reveals a logo screen proudly revealing that it's powered by the Unity engine.

Lame Starting colors are deleted when you purchase your first color pack. Would gladly give the money to permanently disable ads.' ,430000000,5,null,null,'8','Catherine Winslow',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Watson',null,2,null,null,null,'many ads, most of them are a full 30 seconds, between every game round.

It's too many, and I usually just end up quitting the app. I should be able to skip after 5 seconds or only appears after 3 rounds or more. Id pay $2-3 to eliminate, but the absolute only way to get rid of them (temporarily) is if 10 other people download the game via your recommendation. I'll probably just uninstall it, the amount u0026 frequency of repetitive long ads are just that annoying.'

,694000000,150,null,null,'4','Krystine Watson',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Harlow',null,2,null,null,null,'concept but the amount of pop-up ads is so ridiculous. It's pointless anyway cos the frequency these ads come up I ignore them so in my opinion it's completely failed marketing. Would pay a for an ad free option if it wasn't too expensive. Note though I'd rate 5 stars if rounds in the game weren't interrupted by ads.' ,372000000,2,null,null,'5','Shaun Harlow',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Matthews',null,2,null,null,null,'game for beginning and advanced artist. I'm not sure for some who may feel its a bit childish but oh well you can't make every basket in basketball. Just a really good way to hone your skills.

I use a stylus on most of my drawings because I have a note 9 but the finger is the mightiest pen on here.' ,587000000,3,null,null,'4','Terry Matthews',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Swett',null,2,null,null,null,'downloaded this game earlier today to have something to play with some of my friends during this time of social distancing. So far, I've had three drawings just get lost while it was 'sending drawing.' I've had the game become non-responsive multiple times. I've tried restarting my phone to force the game to before cooperative.

None of it is working. I'm honestly going to apologize to my friends and tell them to choose a different game and uninstall. What frustrates me is that this is NOT a new game. I remember playing it around the time if first game out. It still has the color packs that I bought. So I don't understand how some of these issues haven't been resolved already.

If you want to give it a try, go ahead, but just be cautiously optimistic. It is a fun game when you get it to work, if you get it to work. The constant glitches and issues and inability to play an actual full game is why I have to give it two out of five stars.' ,213000000,75,null,null,'4','JoAnn Swett',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Minassian',null,2,null,null,null,'broken. Half the time you'll spend 10+ minutes drawing something that won't send And there are no options for notifications - you either get all of them or none. So if you're waiting for something to send you a drawing back, you either need to repeatedly check the app, or let them send you RIDICULOUS in-game notifications about stuff you don't care about. Zynga's support system also doesn't exist.

I tried to email them for help, and got an automated response. Don't waste your time',507000000,39,null,null,'9','Alex Minassian',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Chow',null,2,null,null,null,'language are mixed! My setting is english but I always got opponent that using words that are not english! Too much bug, I need to reopen app all the time! I always got frozen screen, pen cant overlap, loading too long, cant send drawings to opponent.

Definitely not network, problems always solve after I reopen the app.' ,490000000,0,null,null,'8','Sarah Chow',null,null,2,null,null,null,'r',null,2,null,null,null,'other time I try to send a drawing I worked hard on but didn't spend a long time on it freezes. The game is very fun and addicting but I would like to be able to send all of my drawings. I can't do this when it freezes with the 'sending drawing' words and doesn't send the pictures',889000000,3,null,null,'5','Sarah r',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Rodrigues',null,2,null,null,null,'hate that there's no toggle to disable playing with strangers, and that app forces you to play with strangers.

I was using this as a way to play with friends and everytime I open the app to try to respond to them, I inadvertently end up playing with a random person. It's not even clear how to remove their turn from your que, and it's incredibly frustrating. And so many ads!

I'd pay upfront for this and the removal of ads instead of a 60 day bit but alas here we are.' ,511000000,20,null,null,'1','Abigail Rodrigues',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Kaiser',null,2,null,null,null,'mean the concept is smart. Their execution is not great. I have drawn 5 things to same person because the game just spins and spins trying to send my pictures. It's not my internet because I can run other games just fine.

Also the support here is awful. I tried getting help but I had to go through all these articles and still nothing worked.' ,105000000,52,null,null,'3','Emily Kaiser',null,null,2,null,null,null,'T',null,2,null,null,null,'game, some issues though. Ads should have the option to be removed still. It used to be an option, now you HAVE to invite to keep ads gone. They come back. Controls are touchy which is nice for a drawing game, but they're unforgiving.

You can only remove marks once!? Accuracy sucks! They put the banner ads at the bottom they get hit A LOT on accident.

It's too close to the back and home buttons. It's done intentionally to get additional clicks. Sheisty buggers.' ,202000000,89,null,null,'8','Roscoe T',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Sexton',null,2,null,null,null,'game. The commercials or brutal though. You have to wait on two or three between each game, you'll spend as much time playing as you will closing the ads. Additionally you can buy extra words to draw but they're on a timer so you'll have to buy them again later.

The concept is good, but the developers are obviously money hungry.' ,292000000,56,null,null,'0','William Sexton',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Medina',null,2,null,null,null,'concept and love playing against random folks. Ads are waaaaayyyyy annoying because they happen so frequently. And there has to be a glitch.

I have bunch of games started that i try to enter, but the screen just stays there. I have to close the game to get out!' ,644000000,0,null,null,'9','Danielle Medina',null,null,2,null,null,null,'',true,null,2,null,null,null,'','2.400.072',null,'vafgamesratingcontrols',null,3,'vafgamesratinggameplay',null,5,'vafgamesratinggraphics',null,4,'gp:AOqpTOFSLFlmsnHjzC1n6Lnpb1Buk.

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