The s.t word occurs easily 20-30 times in this film. Corey Feldman's character references - Cocaine, heroine, speed, marijuana and yes 'Sexual Torture Devices' to terrify the housekeeper.Characters constantly insult each other, swear, and make sexual references. Entire scene surrounding a statue's penis.CommonSenseMedia's rating on Language: Ultimate Fail!

10 Of The Best Quotes From The Goonies. Goonies is timeless classic that still holds up fairly well today. What makes it great are quips that the kids throw out along their adventure. These characters use inhalers as a safety net—like a small kid with a blanket. Probably the most famous instance though is The Goonies.

Again, 'Sexual Torture Devices?' Says s.t is first word in movie - sounds like that's it! Nope, over and over bulls.t.Multiple flashes up Andy - the cute girl's skirt.

One character trying to look down her top. Talks about slipping the tongue, giving her the tongue, multiple sexual gestures and references.Wow, this was supposed to be a kids movie - Beware, Beware if you're a parent. We only watch G and PG movies.

(Our kids are 7 and 9.) This movie should've been rated PG-13, for sexual-themed language and lots of 4-letter words. And that was only in the first 15 minutes! We turned it off after that. We tried to ignore it that long because the movie was a gift from a friend who was watching it with us.

With a real time format on massive game maps the amount of content and variety has been the greatest asset to the franchise and allowed it to grow into a large franchise.The series gameplay has remained unchanged for the most part with the most recent additions to the franchise offering players interactive maps of the Earth split into individual provinces that provide benefits but can also be a drain on resources if ill managed. This reflects a core ideology of the franchise which is contained added depth with each game, ensuring the grand strategy series is near unmatched in design.Spending your limited resources across your objectives is the key to conquering in all Europa Universalis games, a goal that generally requires a significant diplomatic investment. Europa universalis 5 gameplay.

She had bought it for the kids in good faith that the rating could be trusted, but she exchanged looks with us and we mutually agreed it was definitely NOT appropriate for children our kids' ages. And I'm not sure such gratuitous language is ever appropriate - why do filmmakers think 4-letter words belong in films targeted to kids? They must live in a different world than that of most Americans. I have two boys (4 and almost 6) who are very mature for their ages.

They both LOVE this movie like anything else having to do with pirates. At this age, some of the more suggestive / inappropriate moments are over their heads and so are not a concern. As for the language, it's all in passing so if you don't make a big deal out of it they won't either. Introducing this movie to my young boys gives them a marvelous adventure to live through vicariously. It also shows them a good group of role models who decide to work together to protect their parents and families from rich snobs who care little about the people 'beneath' them.

As they grow, I'm sure they will begin to notice some of the more mature aspects of this film. Any parent who has open lines of communication with their children will welcome this as an opportunity to discuss these issues. I rate this movie as iffy for ages 4 and up because it can be a great movie for younger viewers if you really know your kids. Just so you know, I am very easily frightened.

Nightmares for weeks after watching Psycho with my class, kind of easily frightened. I watched The Goonies for first time when I was at my grade 3 (8&9 year olds) camp, and was to scared to watch it. I've since tried to finish it about 5 times and gotten too scared. The last time I tried I would have been around 15 or 16, and now at 20 I've decided that it is just too scary for me.

So if you have a kid who is easily scared like me, please think about that before showing them this movie. Also the swearing and sexual themes seemed a bit unnecessary and confusing for a 'kids movie'. We were looking forward to watching this with our 8 year old, 10 yr old, 12 yr old and 14 yr old but now i remember why I couldn’t remember anything from this movie from when I watched it as a kid— my parents probably didn’t let me watch the whole thing and I didn’t let my kids watch the whole thing either.

The hanging dead body should have been my first clue. We turned it off when the “scary thing was chained up and being tortured”.

We should have turned it off at the “sexual torture devices” part but I thought it’d get better. Okay, this is by no means a perfect movie when viewed as your adult self many years later. I first saw this in the theaters when I was 8 with an audience of similar aged children on a school off-day excursion.

We couldn't get enough of it. While the whole pirate thing isn't exactly my favourite genre, the idea of finding a map and solving puzzles with your friends to find untold treasures had me hooked.There seems to be a lot of delicate doilys on this site. Much of the humour getting complaints in these reviews was clearly meant for the parents who took their kids to see it and was totally over the heads of the younger viewers.

Sure, it has it, but none of it was directed at a person as an insult and was said by the characters in frustration. I'm sure your precious 8 year olds have heard worse.Compared to the vanilla pudding, bland, everyone has to be nice to each other programming to be found on TV and in movies for kids today, it was the edginess and sense that I was part of something my parents wouldn't allow which drew us in as children. Boys, in particular, crave this sort of adventure, free of mom and dad oversight. That's what movies are for, a chance to escape the humdrum existence that many children unfortunately lead because they stay within 10 meters of their house at all times. For us kids at the time, it was more of a desire for our bike rides around the neighborhood to become elevated to this level.I liked the sub-plot of the group being outcasts of the kid community and at least have each other to share in the experience.

One aspect of the character stereotpying already mentioned in these reviews is that you could find your personality type and live the adventure as them. Also, it's nice to see kids out in the world, facing challenges and encountering their fears and not running back to mommy and daddy because it scared them. They get scared, internalize the moment, but move on better for it because they have a goal they want to see through which isn't so much getting rich as it is saving their neighbourhood from greedy developers. We need more examples of grit in children.The pay off, of course, is the slight twist ending where they didn't get all the treasure, but just enough to save the Goondocks, and the understanding that the real treasure was the experience and the appreciation of those who shared it with you.I love the cinematography, particularly of Astoria, along with the musical score which tugs at the heart strings in certain places. Cindy Lauper's song seemed to fit just perfectly with the film.Overall, a fun couple of hours.

The Colossus has two attacks, one downward stab, and one big overhand swing. This colossus had a tower-like club connected to its right arm(let’s call it a tower-club to avoid confusion), and you’re going to want to climb up onto it. What you need to do is shatter the bracer. Shadow of the colossus walkthrough. However, it has a large bracer on its wrist that will prevent you from getting further up its body. In the middle of the arena is a circular iron pad, you’re going to need to stand on it and have the Colossus hit the pad with its tower-club and the bracer will shatter.

Please, don't overthink this movie too much before watching it with the kids. Just be one with them.

The goonies inhaler kid

Laugh, get scared, and rejoice when the X marks the spot! You'll have more fun that way. I loved this film as a child and it didn’t disappoint my children either.There are some questionable villains in the film, that chase them throughout. They had murdered someone but you do not witness this, you see the body in a freezer.There is some language but nothing they would not have heard out and about, ( shit).There is drugs mentioned but it’s done in a comical way - boy being mischievous when translating.

My boys didn’t pick up on it.Over all it’s a good light heartened adventure film.I have added great message and great role models as it, depicts I guess misfits who except each other and stick together who become great friends. They achieved something their parents had lost hope in.

Then there’s the new found love between sloth and chunk.