Posted by Ashleen Wicklow. Coastal Oregon kids (Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen) follow the treasure map of pirate One-Eyed Willie past his deadly traps to gold. Share Coastal Oregon kids (Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen) follow the treasure map of pirate One-Eyed Willie past his deadly traps to gold.

A remake of is in the works. Well, sort of. According to a new report, has placed in a pilot order for a potential television series focusing on a substitute teacher and three students creating an amateur remake of the beloved '80s movie. is executive producing the project and will direct the pilot, and has also signed on to write the script. Also on board to executive produce are, and Amblin's.

Re-Enactment TV Show is currently untitled. The drama series sounds a bit like School of Rock meets Be Kind,.

According to the show's formal logline, the drama would specifically follow, a woman 'carrying a heavy secret' who takes up work as a substitute teacher when she returns to her hometown from New York.». 13 October 2019. by Chris Evangelista. In the current Hollywood mentality, several classic films have been the subjects of half-assed, unlikeable remakes or sequels. A few beloved properties have managed to avoid the money-grabbing claw thus far – though recent talks have made fans of worried – and ’s has been one of them.

And readers, you may rejoice. Because, according to its star, it looks like the seminal ’80s flick will remain untouched.

Celebrity hecklers at were able to catch up with Feldman while he posed for photos with fans. And bringing up the idea of a sequel to him, the 48-year-old actor quickly shot it down, saying that it’s never been anything more than a rumor. Here’s how he put it: “What Goonies reunion? There’s no damn Goonies reunion,” Feldman said with a smile.

“No man, that’s a rumor. We did a few comic cons,». 06 September 2019. by Kevin Burwick. The NFL 2019-2020 season is officially underway. In honor of the occasion, is back as his iconic character from the 1993 football movie.

Has brought Astin on board to be their latest Colonel Sanders, but he is 'Colonel Rudy' this time around and the ad leans heavily on footage from the movie. The ad even boasts a fake sequel: 'Rudy II: He's Colonel Sanders now.'

Astin had this to say about signing up with KFC. 'When KFC approached me to reprise the role of Rudy, but play him as Colonel Sanders, I knew this was something I couldn't pass up. Getting to recreate some of the film's iconic scenes with a KFC spin was such a fun experience.' This isn't the only time we're going to see Sean Astin reprising his role from Rudy for the KFC ads.

Daniel 'Rudy' Ruettiger is chasing a new dream, which». 01 September 2019. by Kevin Burwick.

Will The Goonies 2 ever happen? According to, and, it will happen 'someday.' This is a question that the main cast of the iconic movie have been answering for over 30 years now. Thankfully, Astin, Quan, and Feldman don't seem to be sick of talking about the movie they all made together as kids. Fans of the original movie have been wondering about a sequel and hopes kicked up once again when Feldman revealed that he and Astin had written a treatment and presented it to. However, the story was reportedly 'too expensive' to make. The Goonies 2 question was inevitable at the Fan Expo and Sean Astin, Ke Huy Quan, and Corey Feldman were prepared for it.

Astin first answered in song by singing, 'someday,' which got a good reaction from the crowd and from Feldman. 'That is the most asked question I've heard for the last 30 years,». 06 August 2019. by Evan Lewis. The influence that has had on entertainment cannot be understated. It helped cement the legacies of, and, and the creative storytelling and quirky cast inspired countless future projects, such as. The main characters even appeared as a set, as well as getting a shoutout from decades later.

Given the widespread impact that this movie has had since its release, it’s somewhat shocking that fans have never been gifted with. The long-rumored sequel has never come to fruition despite all of the clamoring for it. At this point, it seems like viewers will never get another installment of the classic and if anything, a reboot seems more likely than anything else. While it’s certainly better than nothing, it still isn’t as gratifying as a sequel would be. Clearly agrees with this point,». 21 April 2019.

by MovieWeb. Exactly five years ago, way back in April 2014, director boldly proclaimed that was officially happening with himself back at the helm and most of the original cast set to return, except for perhaps, who played Chunk and went onto become a big time law professional who left acting behind in his teens. Since that time, we've only heard the murmurs say it was still happening, though some of the cast have come out at various points claiming it was dead. Now, who starred as Mikey in the movie, doesn't think it will ever happen. It seems cast is too old to return for another adventure. Sean Astin has been doing the promotional rounds for his new series. Of course the subject of came up.

Sadly, it sounds like this sequel is way». 20 June 2018. by MovieWeb. Remember seeing movies like or? Remember seeing again and again in the movie theater?

Why did we do this you may wonder? Because back in those days a film was just that. It wasn't made and then sequel strewn with ease two years later. No, that sequel status was reserved for films in the pantheon of Star Wars.

And because of that we have many films from the 1980s that need sequels. Movies that make money today are pretty much guaranteed to have a second act. Regardless of whether this second act is warranted.

As long as they hit a certain threshold at the box office, a successful film will generate film after film. Even when the numbers dip, these films can be released to platforms like where they can potentially live forever. The 1980s were not like that.

A movie would come out.». 03 November 2017. by MovieWeb. Did Season 2 just revive? 1 hit ninja saga.

Star of both, says that a sequel to his 1985 hit is still possible despite other co-stars claiming the idea was dead. And if it does happen, anxiously awaiting fans can thank Bob the Brain for finally pushing it towards reality. Is playing meta in. His Radio Shack boss Bob Newby is one of the purest of heart characters has, and his bravery has ignited a new love for the actor that he wasn't expecting. Has always been about 80s nostalgia, and it uses to great effect. He helps build a weird kind of trust throughout his run on Netflix's popular show. Now, fans are ready for his Mikey to return.

It was who first confirmed that was happening. That was way back in 2014, and since then,». 12 September 2017.

by MovieWeb. You know the old mantra. Never say die! And while we'll probably never get Goonies 2, stars, and have never given up hope. The trio reunited for a special anniversary dinner last night.

And shared an image from the great Goonies feast on his official CDogg Instagram. In the photo, you can see what became of the kids who once went searching for the lost treasure of One-Eyed Willie.

'Goonies dinner! Last night catching up with former cast mates, &.'

And have been the biggest champions of getting made. Original director confirmed the movie was moving forward way back in 2014. But ever since then, all we've ever heard about the project has mostly added up to wishful thinking. We spoke with earlier this year,». 17 November 2016.

Simon Brew Nov 17, 2016 on how the mooted Goonies sequel isn't getting any closer. It looks like it might be time to finally call off hounds. They were unleashed a few years back, when director revealed that he and were considering a fresh sequel., who penned the original, was then back involved, but nothing really has been heard for a good year or two. Well, save for throwing doubt on whether the film would ever happen.

See related: & interview: on channeling the character Now, though, another of the original film’s stars, has already expressed her doubts. In an ask me anything session at Reddit, she was asked about the sequel, and was pretty candid. “I can tell you that I really wouldn’t expect it”, she wrote.». 15 November 2016. by MovieWeb. After pretty much confirmed that was dead in an exclusive interview with us this past summer, co-star has arrived to hammer another nail deep into the coffin. She doesn't believe the sequel to the hit 1985 family adventure will ever get off the ground.

And she believes it's all been a ruse laid out by director to get back at the kids for being such a pain in the ass on set. It certainly doesn't sound like the Goonies will ever ride again., who stars in the ABC sitcom, recently conducted a Reddit Ama. One fan desperately wanted to know where the heck the Goonies sequel was. Plimpton, who played the nerdy Stef, and served as direct inspiration for Barb in Netflix's, decided to drop some pretty rough news. She explains. 'I wish I had an answer for you,». 05 July 2016.

by Joey Paur. As a long-time fan of, all this back and forth talk about a sequel has been driving me crazy! I want a sequel to happen so bad with the original cast and crew, and there have been lots of positive reports and lots of negative reports regarding. One thing we know for sure is that everyone seems to want it to happen, but it hasn't happened yet! Just last month, appeared at a convention and teased the return of One-Eyed Willy in the story for the sequel. This got me and a lot of other fans incredibly excited for this sequel to happen.

Now actor has chimed in again on the matter, and he's playing devil's advocate and explaining why he doesn't think the sequel will ever happen. While talking to MovieWeb, he said: ' is 87 years old. And it’s like,». 05 July 2016. by Michael Briers.

Better known to you, I and the residents of Goon Docks as Mouth, has cast doubt over the possibility of. Despite reports claiming that the long-rumored sequel was close to entering production, with even claiming he was in possession of a story, Feldman recently told Movie Web that a direct follow-up is unlikely to ever materialize. Much of that comes down to the age of director. As the creative driving force behind both the 1985 cult classic and the languishing sequel, Feldman admitted that hopes of ever kicking into gear have been dwindling away for some time.

Is 87 years old. And it’s like, no one really wants to make it without him. He’s the driving force behind it. He says it’s still alive.


But as we all knowWhen you get to that age,». 05 July 2016. by Angie Han.

Has given an update on the potential sequel to, and it’s not good news folks. Speaking to Movieweb, the actor, who played Mouth in the original film back in 1985, said that he doubts will happen at all. “ is 87 years old. And it’s like, no one really wants to make it without him. He’s the driving force behind it. He says it’s still alive.

But as we all knowwhen you get to that age, things slow down quite a bit. There is a big possibility that he might not want to keep driving it”, Feldman said. “So, I think without him, it doesn’t happen. And every day that passes, that he doesn’t do it, there is less and less chance that it is ever going to happen at all”. Feldman will next be seen in». 05 July 2016.

Simon Brew Jul 5, 2016 throws fresh doubt on whether we'll ever get to see. It’s been a while since we’ve heard any kind of news on the planned. The last real update came from the writer of the original, back in April 2015, where he revealed that he, director and producer hadn’t yet come up with a story that they liked for the new film.

As he said last year, “we are in the thick of it now, trying to figure it out”. Yet 15 months later, there’s been no obvious sign of progress, and one of – – has cast doubt over whether the film will happen at all.

The news that actually existed at all was broken by two years ago, but as Feldman told Movieweb,». 04 July 2016. by MovieWeb. Like other classics before it, such as and, was not heralded as a piece of iconic Americana right out of the gate. In fact, when it arrived in the summer of 1985, it received fare to middling reviews with some critics calling it a noisy, vulgar Indiana Jones rip-off for the prepubescent set. Times change, though, and what may have initially been written off as fun seasonal fodder is now considered one of the all-time cinematic greats, and has gone on to become the most popular family movie in Warner Bros.' Long and storied catalogue history, even eclipsing.

Like other true classics of a bygone era, didn't ever get a sequel. Upon its release, it looked like a 'one and done' deal. But low and behold, over thirty years later, people involved with the original». 06 June 2016. by MovieWeb.

The truth of the matter is, we may never see. This, despite the fact that most cast members and the creative team behind the original really want it to happen.

It's been years since original director confirmed the movie was happening. And since that time, we've heard both stars and talk up the movie. Now, is back at it again, and while there is no real update on when the movie will happen, he does promise that a key player, however dead he may be, will be back to haunt the sequel.

Played Mikey in the original, and he was the defacto leader of the gang who lives in the lower class division of the Goondocks. Astin has probably been one of the loudest supporters of a sequel. At various points, he's said that». 06 June 2016.

by Joey Paur. Over the past couple of years, there's been a lot of talk regarding a sequel to.

That talk has been coming from people like, and even director, all of whom have said the movie is going to happen. You can read up on all of our Goonies related news here. Astin continues to say that is going to happen. Over the weekend, he appeared at Phoenix Comic Con 2016, and while he was there he teased that the sequel will include another appearance from the legendary pirate One-Eyed Willy. During the actor's panel which you can watch below, he said: 'In the original Goonies, it's not the only time Mikey will come face-to-face with One-Eyed Willy.' I would really love to see this sequel to happen.

Astin seems very optimistic, so that's a good sign that things are still progressing with it.».