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Talisman Digital Edition Characters

Just want to see some opinions from veteran Talisman players (which mean you play a lot and you play with different heroes).Name 5 characters, which are Top Dogs and 5 characters, which are Loosers:)All DLCs applies to this rankings.I am not a veteran player (not now), but still, i can give you my opinion:Top Dogs:1. Amazon (two brutal abilities - to move good and to win battles is the key to this game)2.

Assassin (staby, staby)3. Dark Cultist (slow beginning, but powerhouse later)4. Swashbuckler (once you have a weapon and a small strenght boost, you grow very fast)5. Black witch (great movement, really great)Loosers:1.Priest2.Dwarf3.Minstrel4.Leprechant5.

Talisman: Digital Edition is based on the 4th Revised Edition of Talisman made by Fantasy Flight Games. Slight tweaks have been made to the rules in order to keep the gameplay of the digital version smooth and also to clarify rules areas which were unclear or conflicted. Fantasy Flight makes the board game, Nomad makes the digital edition, and Games Workshop owns all the Talisman content that anyone creates. So, this means anything that appears in the board game can appear in the digital edition and vice versa as long as Games Workshop says so, but also as long as the developing company wants to make it.