In Legend of Mana and Sword of Mana, multiple spirits of the same elemental type appear. In terms of storyline, in Trials of Mana and Heroes of Mana, the spirits are charged to protect the Mana Stones in which the Mana Goddess sealed eight elemental benevodons (God-Beasts in the fan-translation of SD3).

When one of your character gets a spell cast on him/her use the Midge Mallet twice and that character will revive with no damage. Return to Potos SNES ONLY: To get back into Potos after you get banished, you have to have all three people alive. Walk up to the guy at the gate, keep walking into him and keep pushing SELECT until you're on the other side. Mana If you are thinking that the other 'mana sword gaining techniques' are dodgy, fear not. Go to the Mana fortress and kill as many enemies as it takes to get a chest.

It will usually contain useless things, but eventually (after ages) you will get an orb. It may not be the final orb of the sword, if not it will be the orb for another weapon.

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Repeat until finally successful. Super-Powered Spells This trick takes patience to do.

Every time you get a Mana Seed, you will be able to increase your magic's level. But, you have to use the magic a lot to make it increase (which takes a while).Once you get your magic spells in level 7, they will start to be super-powered. Mutant mudds switch.

They will not do it every time, but you will know when they do. Once the spells get into level 8, the spells will be super-powered other spells will be super-powered. Unlimited Weapon Orbs Go to any chest in a dungeon that has an orb and open it, then use the magic rope to teleport to the entrance of the dungeon. Go to the nearest watt and have him forge the weapon. Then return to the chest where you found the orb and another of the same type of orb will be there. Repeat this process as many times as you'd like.