At E3 this year, with a refined and near-final version of Soulcalibur VI for. San Francisco apartment, playing Soulcalibur III long into the night.

Welcome Back To The Stage Of HistoryRules1.) Keep it civil.2.) No spoilers for SCVI's story.3.) Mark NSFW posts as such. Anything too NSFW belongs in4.) Please avoid reposting.5.) Please credit the artist if posting fan art.6.) No posting amazon affiliate links or links to tweets with affiliate links.7.) No spoiling Tournaments. Keep winners' names out of title.8.) Self promotion is only allowed if you actually interact and engage in the community. No asking for subs or viewers as well.9.) No Loli/Pedophilia images or discussion.10.) No wall-of-text/rants about why you hate a certain character/mechanic/feature. If you want to start a discussion, keep it civil and articulate.

This includes shit-posts and obvious baits.11.) No witch-hunting. Discussing situations of harassment/stalking to inform the community is tolerated, as long as the details are kept to a minimum. This is a gray-area and will be moderated based on our best judgment.12.) Posts showcasing CaS characters (custom characters or edits) are limited to the weekly CaS megathreads or for the time being.NotesJust because you don't like/disagree with something doesn't mean it should be reported/removed. Learning MaterialsNew players start here.Once you're comfortable with the basics.(incomplete)For more advanced/specific discussion.8wayrun and.(relatively sparse atm)TournamentsCaS Contest ThreadsOther LinksDiscordsTraining Stage of History (New Players Welcome):X-Calibur Discord:SweepLeague Gaming ServerLooking for CaS posts?Other game subsOther( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). The player base is pretty healthy, I always find matches in less than 2 minutes and also there are a lot of friendly players (of course there is still people that tbag, trash talk, etc; I definetely get more GG messages than toxic ones)And the game is very good, of course is not perfect, but its really fun to play and watch, it has a single player story mode but honestly I havent played it that much, most of my time is spent in online ranked, probably other people could provide more info on this mode. I'm going to be blunt. Been a fan since SC2.As I told someone else here.

I wouldn't make SC my main fighter. It's hasn't even been out a year and the population is already a concern. Population generally is key for pvp games. (Maybe they can turn it around. Oddly enough For Honor went through that too)I'd go with For Honor over it in that regard. Especially given For Honor is something Ubi intends to keep supporting. Modes,events & characters keep it fresh.That said,low population or not.

Planeshift innistrad pdf. You don't have to agree with them, but you also don't have to argue or harass them about it.Do not suggest piracy - Any links/tools/documents/etc. Containing closed content from WotC or any third party (any non-SRD content) will be removed without explicit consent from the content owner. The intent is for everyone to act as civil adults.Respect the opinions of others - Each table is unique; just because someone plays differently to you it does not make them wrong.

Console is pretty good with getting you a quick match. It might be the same hand fulls of people often or a higer rank person,but it will get you a quick match. On Xbox also.

Last I played,Queue times were still 10-60sec for me. So getting matches isn't a issue.The Single player stuff for the story ladder is good.Libra Of Souls is the sword chronicle(SC3) & weapon master equivalent(SC2). I'd look up a video to know what you're getting. Personally found it boring.SC6 doesn't have a ton of anything. You can go and compare that yourself. It was made on a smaller budget.


It's by no means a bad game,but I'm just warning before you jump in thinkng you're getting SC3 levels of content. They had to work with what they were given. The sale price is a fair price.I think CaS & ranked are it's strong points.I'd say get both,but if I had to pick one. Undertow definition. I'd go with FH.Expect that obligatory introductory slapping you learning curve either way.:(While you were off playing whatever,They studied the blade.