Journey with 'Haha' as she ascends a deadly tower in this exciting puzzle game. Face new challenges in each room, including new obstacles, enemies and traps. Don't rely on your speed or strength to get you through this; only your smarts can help you reach the top.Features-Challenging and fun puzzles-More than 50 mind-bending and treacherous rooms-Beautiful 2D, top-down graphics-New and improved controls based on player feedback-Puzzles that build on what you've learned-Absolutely no ads, in-app purchases, notifications, or any of that junk.-Retro-style Gameplay-Numerous enemies ranging from benign to instantly deadly-Yes, her name actually is 'Haha'!ReviewsOne of PhoneArena's 'Best new iPhone games' for January 2017!' I feel that this is another worthy gem that deserves a spot in my collection' -'Puzzler fans are in for a treat as a great new retro style action puzzler called the Journey Of Haha has arrived.'

Rocksmith suggests that an ideal setup would yield a 30MS delay - comparable to most delays associated with pedals/amps.etc. This would be absolutely fine with me. However, even after moving to Optical Audio, adjusting my settings to Stereo Uncompressed and adjusting my receiver to Direct Mode (and eliminating any EQ's, channel effects.etc).

-'This app is a lot of fun to play if puzzle/adventure games are your thing.' -

Sweets March 7, 2020For Constipation: 'Immediately after drinking one bottle, I begin to feel incredibly bloated, but the real fun starts after about 4-5 hours. Sometimes I barely get my pants pulled down as I dive for the toilet. If I could time my bm's, sometimes they'd be 20 seconds straight of just sheer, vertical spray. I mean I actually sit there and laugh. After spending 20 minutes or so of having diarrhea with gail force winds, I can usually exit the bathroom. Bring air freshener with you bc I swear, after drinking mag cit, it smells something awful. Then for the next few hours my wife chants 'run forrest run', because I literally have to jump up, clench those cheeks and made a mad dash to the bathroom.So in short, if you are gonna take this, do it in the morning.

I would NOT recommend taking this after noon unless you want to be washing your bed sheets in the morning. And for the love of god, don't take this at work!!!!'

Mdz Taken for less than 1 month February 24, 2020For Constipation: 'I started having cramping especially after every meal. I went into the dr and they took xrays. Backed up even though I poop on the daily!

He said it had to have been building over at least the last month. He told me to take stool softener twice a day for a week. Mineral oil twice a week and 1 bottle of MC at breakfast after the week and one at lunch.

Seems like a lot to meAnyhow- I drank my MC at 9 this morning (haven’t eaten since last night) and finally have had two watery stools (it’s noon). I’m debating if I should do the lunch MC.

I have been feeling nauseous all morning and feel so hungry but if I do a lunch MC I can’t eat:/'. Cynthia Taken for less than 1 month February 15, 2020For Constipation: 'Started a new medication about a month ago and it has caused constipation as a side effect. For 8 days in a row I was unable to go #2, and I was starting to feel pretty awful. Found magnesium citrate on Amazon with really high reviews. Was nervous to use it because people said it could be really harsh on the tummy.

I drank 1/2 bottle (cherry flavor) and was cramping in my abdomen 22 minutes later (I didnt realize it needed to be taken on an empty stomach, ooops).8 minutes or so later the cramps lifted a little and I had my first BM. It wasn't eagerly, just loose.

Super glad I didn't drink the entire thing because it worked right away for me. Will use again in case of emergency'. Still going February 9, 2020For Constipation: 'I hadn’t pooped in about a week.

I wasn’t uncomfortable but I knew I was full of poop. I have taken this before and when I was in this situation, so I decided to do it again. I am 105 lbs and drank the whole bottle. (Last time I drank half) big mistake. HUGE mistake. I took it at 5pm and didn’t start to go until almost midnight.

I was running back and forth to brown town until 2:30am. Thought my body evicted every evil piece of poop from my colon. I woke up at 6am and my butt hole was puckering while my stomach was yelling. I ran to the toilet, once again and eliminated what I hope was the baby food I ate when I was 8 months old. Thought that was over. I kept going!! How in the world is there anything left in me?

I’ve gone 3 more times since I started this review. I mean, it works but I’m afraid to leave the house. Last time I took half, I'd like to know why I drank the whole bottle.My butt hurts and I’m pooping again.' Raw and sore Taken for less than 1 month January 28, 2020For Constipation: 'I went to the ER for a kidney stone, and the X-ray showed I was really backed up as well. So the ER doc had me drink a bottle of mag citrate.

A Game Where You Can Build Anything As Long As It Doesn’t Make Your Castle Easier To Attack. Were The Developer And Publisher Of This Game. The Release Date For This Game Was 16 June 2017. You Only Have To Find Resources Once Or Twice To Get Everything You Need. Colony survival game.

About two hours in my stomach was making sounds that would summon demons and then I exploded. I was pooping firey hot lava for over 12 hours. It's been over 24 hours and my stomach is still angry and I still have diarrhea. Bloody hemmys, poor butt hole, probably doesn't have skin left.

Do not use this unless you absolutely have to.' Jams Taken for less than 1 month January 26, 2020For Not Listed / Other: 'For colonoscopy I was told to do a two day prep day one which was yesterday I took for Dulcolax pills and then hours after that a bottle of magnesium citrate and my body movements lasted for 16 hours.Today the second 3 more Dulcolax pills and the second bottle of magnesium citrate after four hours has not produced a single bowel movement I know I'm not gonna be cleaned out I'm wasting two days and I'm going to have to reschedule the colonoscopy'. Noau January 18, 2020For Constipation: 'No poop for 4 days & I was stressed (when I did it was a tiny pebble.) No pain but felt uncomfortable. Started taking miralax at the end of day 2. Nothing.Next coffee (gives me the runs), ginger tea & then milk since I'm kind of lactose intolerant. Still nothing.Friend recommended magnesium citrate (MC) First up, this did not work right away.

It gave me the worst cramps of my life after 1.5 hours. Felt like what I imagine labor contractions to be.

I was screaming & even cried. Happened every 2/3 mins.

But no poop.Forced BM but was only able to manually pull some out then started feeling hemmys so stopped. Went to sleep but the pain was so bad.12 HRS LATER, I had my first poop. It was solid but soft which was surprising since I was sure I was impacted. Didn't feel full relief but I was done so got off. 15 mins later I was back for mostly liquid.+15 mins, back for just liquid.

So far no fire feeling.Summary. It took much longer to work & I had intense stomach pain while waiting'.

WOW Taken for less than 1 month January 18, 2020For Constipation: 'Last night I went to the hospital for severe stomach pains, bloating, nausea, and lack of appetite. The ER Doctor gave me a 10oz magnesium citrate (MC) bottle and I waited until 2p.m. Today to take the whole thing.

HOLY COW.I have been living on the toilet since 4p.m and it’s now 8p.m. The pain is completely gone in my stomach! Make sure to have your phone charged so you can catch up on your favorite show - you might be in the bathroom for a while!' Ouch Taken for less than 1 month January 1, 2020For Constipation: 'I used this product today.

I have been backed for a few days now. At first I thought it would water down my stool, for the most part it didn't. It was painful to use the bathroom since my stool was hard. I still feel queasy. Hate the feeling. However, after taking OTC stool softners, prune juice, and teas.I decided to give this a try and take half the bottle.

With in a few hours I felt like if I was having a baby without epidural. The night is young and it might still help me throughout the night. However, with it being NY Eve, it sucks that I have to ring in the new year this way. I chose a bad day.

This product is not for the faint of heart. Waterfall Taken for less than 1 month December 26, 2019For Constipation: 'I have IBS really bad. I get constipated every 3-4 days. I had ultrasounds, CT scans, laparoscopic surgery, and much much more done to figure it out. They said I had the biggest blockage they’ve ever seen and gave me a bottle of MC.

I’ve only ever tried the lemon, I’m a wimp and have to take a nausea med with it because my body rejects it without the med. (not like this for everyone) it is uncomfortable at first when having to chug it because it cramps and makes me super nauseated. But besides that, within 4-8 hours I’m wishing for some butt ointment because man am I on fire. Highly recommend just doing the whole bottle if really backed up. Only taking a small portion doesn’t really work for me.

Hope this helped '. Sweet baby Jesus Taken for less than 1 month December 19, 2019For Constipation: 'If you get desperate enough to use this product, it’s worth it. You’re already having a bad time. Bloating, uncomfortable, abdominal pain, but you haven’t seen anything until you chug a bottle of this stuff. I took the full bottle and 4 hours later, I was scared it wasn’t working. Then I drank warm water instead of the regular 10 minute interval glasses of iced water.

Maybe it was all the water gathering in my belly to gang up on the poo. Maybe it was the temperature, I’m currently 15 hours into this adventure and my intestines are angry. Wet wipes and diaper rash ointment recommended as well as chapstick because it will dehydrate your lips even when throwing fluids down with it. But it works. Believe it or not I’m less miserable.' Anonymous December 17, 2019For Constipation: 'I hadn’t been able to poop in about a week only had small yet painful movements here and there. It got so bad last night I literally went to the hospital because of severe abdominal pain and the feeling of dizziness as if I was gonna pass out.

They took a CT scan, came back for just some constipation and the doctor recommended lemon lime mag citrate. I took it around 8:40 pm which may have been a blessing and a curse because it kicked in around 1:45 am and it’s now 2:25 in the morning and still going. I was pretty skeptical about this working given the amount of pain I’d previously gone through, but the relief this has brought me is immense. I had just a little more than half the bottle (about 6 oz) and on a slightly empty stomach it seemed to do the trick.

Definitely recommend for someone who’s going through the same scenario as I’ve been'. Martin Taken for less than 1 month December 11, 2019For Constipation: 'Ok first and foremost to those of you drinking 2 bottles of this stuff in a 24 hour period. That can be dangerous and the bottle specifically says do not drink more than one bottle in a 24 hour period. Believe it or not magnesium toxicity can hurt or even kill people.

Other than that - this stuff works! If you aren't going to the bathroom after drinking a bottle of this, then you should head straight to your doctors office as something is amiss. One bottle of this and expect to be incapacitated for quite a few hours. Do not make plans outside of sitting on your toilet after drinking this. It takes longer to hit some people but once it does watch out!

Be sure to drink plenty of liquids when using MC as well Gatorade and water together is a good choice.' Shakin Taken for less than 1 month November 28, 2019For Constipation: 'So I am typing this from the toilet LOL.I’ve been severely constipated for a full week. I’m talking about severe abdominal cramping, extreme bloating and couldn’t eat anything with getting nauseous! So I drank about 3/4 of magnesium citrate bottle around 9PM. I woke up at 7AM and I can’t figure if I’m peeing or pooping it is all like water!! Haha but I will say I feel 10X better so I highly recommend this if you are having constipation! The cherry is the best flavor FYI.'

Tom Taken for less than 1 month November 21, 2019For Constipation: 'I hadn’t taken a dump in 2 days, and since I’m a 23 year old man I decided not to put up with it and bought this. Took it at about 6:30PM and nothing for the first few hours. I went to bed at about 11 and woke up at 6:30AM ready to go. Unleashed the wrath of kutulu on my toilet. It persisted through the afternoon and I had to leave work because I don’t get paid enough to risk pooping myself. All in all good product. It has made me reevaluate the amount of spicy foods I eat.'

Wesley Taken for less than 1 month November 8, 2019For Constipation: 'Listen to me. I didn’t use the restroom for 8 days.

I thought I wasn’t going to make it. I was told to get a suppository and I was not feeling that. After research I found this. I drank the entire bottle in hopes to pass whatever was blocking me. Well about two hours later I felt a bubbling in my stomach, by then I thought this stuff was a joke and I would have to go the ER and get this surgically removed.

I got to the toilet and everything I ate for those 8 days came out of me as a hot smelly liquid. If you're willing to spend an hour or two on the toilet and get your intestines cleaned out to the max this is the way to go. But I warn you, this is not for the weak.' Gia November 6, 2019For Constipation: 'I feel the need to share this, only because I have never experienced being so constipated before. I currently have kidney stones which they sent me home with Norco for pain I knew constipation was a side effect, but I wasn’t expecting was having a plug and me straining for over an hour. Not only was I in dire pain because the hard plug of stool was literally trying to come out my body.I waddled out of the bathroom and cried to my boyfriend.

His mom recommended I try magnesium citrate. Definitely get the lemon flavor!! I drank the whole bottle around 10pm because I was desperate, hours passed and it wasn’t working. I kept reading reviews and every one said to hydrate!

Journey Of Haha Solutions

So I frantically started drinking water. Still nothing. Until finally someone had written drink like warm water. I drank two glasses. And around 3 am I was able to pass the plug. It was painful, but it worked!'