There are basically three level 100 talents that are worth the grind:Fortitude: mostly for immunity to stun, deathmark and devour. It's in the Stone branch which also has barrier on brown at 40, which alone makes any class one worth leveling.Rising Shadow, from the Shadow branch, 7% instant kill the last enemy when another dies. Only downside is tower/Doom/bosses are immune to instant kill so it's not good for Guild events other than Guild Wars.Fireblade, from the Fire branch, 3x skull damage to burning enemies. Useful in many situations, but even more nerfed by fairly common burn immunity.There are also many useful level 70 talents like: explode a yellow on 4/5, dispell enemies on 4/5, enchant on green match, enrage on 4/5, and bonus mana for several colors.

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So the Stryx card Taloaca does 10 damage to a random enemy on 4+ gem matches, and I was psyched to unlock it. But I kind of found it to be underpowered compared to other some of the other options.I thought Bard was powerful because the 3rd trait increases ALL of your yellow characters stats by one point EVERY TURN. Beefs your guys up and Wildfolk have some great cards.The Dervish skill I was looking at increases all Monsters stats by 2 on 4+ gem matches.

That's why I thought about going for it. Complete agreement. Titan at level 100 is giving you:Traits: start with 50% mana (you and all giants), plus small benefit from 1 life on 4/5.Talents1: Stun when enemies deal skull damage OR random storm on 4/520: Create duststorm at start40: Barrier on Brown matches70: Explode 1 yellow on 4/5. Sounds OK-ish, but I can't tell you how many additional 4-5 matches this has lead to.100: Fortitude. Neener-neener to Stun, poison, disease, deach mark, and devour.If you don't need race or location specific traits to empower other team members, you can't go wrong with Titan. I was looking at Sunspear for the 'Create a firestorm every turn' trait.The firestorm trait combined with the mythic Stryx troop would be bananas, as she does double damage during a firestorm.

These can be seen using the weapons list from the Gems of War website's game guide. For the most part, you want to keep them somewhat even because they have diminishing marginal returns per point and also because your play is often more reliable if you can make use of more colours on the board.

She could hit every member of the enemy team for 60-70 damage every time you pop off her spell.I went for Dervish last light. The trait to boost every monster troop's skill by 2 points on matches of 4+ gems was too tempting for me.In general, what is considered the strongest of the class skill trees? Is it Fire?Fire seems to boost attack a lot, at least at the lower levels.