At the end of Chrono Trigger DS, Magus erases his own identity and begins anew with the feeling he must search for something. Is it possible that Guile in Chrono Cross is an amnesiac Magus? Recall this from the GamePro interview: Masato Kato: To let the cat out of the bag, in the early stages of development, Guile was indeed meant to be Magus. R/chronotrigger: Chrono Trigger community on Reddit. The type of magic that Magus has just used with one character while the other two heal the party up.

Contents.Crono. What ARE you two doing?

I thought you said something about a nice little slideshow?. Said at the end of the 'Slideshow' ending. During the course of the actual game, Crono never talksLucca. Machines aren't capable of evil. Humans make them that way. All of our history.

Our art and science. All to meet the needs of that. Beast. Nothing can beat science!.

Even a door of this caliber can't keep science at bay!. Where have they been keeping her!?. Referring to AylaFrog. Lower thine guard, and thou'rt allowing the enemy in. Mine name is Glenn! Cyrus' hopes and dreamsand now the Masamune, these will now become my burden! Forthwith I will slay Magus and restore honor!.

Thou hast lost thy friend before thine eyes; there art no words to comfort thee. We have'th our own will!. When facing Lavos. Ma'am, thou'rt mistaken, I'm not a pet, I'm a Knight and master swordsman. When Crono's mom called him Crono's 'pet'.Ayla. Ayla fight while alive!

Win and live. Lose and die. Rule of life. No change rule.

Old man breathe, but dead on inside!. After a village elder tells her to surrender to the reptites. Ayla's word! 'La' mean fire. 'Vos' mean big. When Lucca mentions Lavos in Ayla's presence.

No rubbish for Ayla, or head go boom!. As Robo tries to explain what a robot is. Yummy frog! For Ayla eat?. A question in reference to Frog when he awakensMagus.

I. It's that stupid frog! Kissed any princesses lately?!. Ah.! The Masamune!!! I bet you're just dying to use it! The black wind begins to blow.

Give me your best shot. If you're prepared for the void!. The black wind howls. One among you will shortly perish. Janus (Magus as a child, in the year 12,000 B.C.). Don't waste your time.

Alfador only likes me. Janus, when the player tries to talk to Alfador the cat. Go away!. Janus, when the player tries to talk to him. What a filthy hovel!. Janus, surveying the Terra Cave. I survived the Darkness to defeat you!.

To Lavos. Idiots.

Nothing can live forever. Do you wish to fight me?. At the North cape, after being confronted by the player. Unimaginable is the power of Lavos. Anyone who dares to oppose. Meets certain doom. I never imagined that we would settle our score in this dusty old era.

Come, let us finish this charade!. At the North Cape, to Frog before the one on one duel. There's a letter here. Shall we burn it?.

The weak always strive to be weaker. You got whacked 'cuz you're weak. To Crono at the End of Time. Oh, how dreadful. Say, do you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper. To Ozzie, at the end of his castle before facing him.

The past is dead. It was all just a dream. We were created only to be harvested. And all living things.

It's over for you. Your life ends here!. When facing Lavos. If history is to change, let it change! If the world is to be destroyed, so be it!

If my fate is to be destroyed. I must simply laugh!!Marle. Crono!! We can't keep sponging off my dad! Go and get a job!!. Enough with the false modesty! You have a real gift!

I would trade my royal ancestry for your genius in a heartbeat!. To Lucca. I didn't 'pick up' anything from outside! It's called 'common sense!' . Reacting to King Guardia's remark about the things she learns outside the castle. It was awful.

Europa Universalis III is a grand strategy game set during the Renaissance and Reforma-tion periods of history. You will select one of more than 200 countries that existed in the world during this time, and attempt to guide it through more than 300 years of diplomacy, warfare, trade, religious turmoil, scientific de. How to play eu4 well. Europa Universalis Series. If you are a veteran of the series, we have provided a general overview of the major changes and new features introduced in Europa Universalis III which may be found in Appendix A at the back of this manual. You should find most aspects of the game fairly familiar, and we have made every attempt to ensure that all of. Europa Universalis IV Beginners GuideEuropa Universalis IV manual:English - French - German - Spanish Changes between Europa Universalis III and Europa Universalis IVConquest of ParadiseWealth.

I can't recall it all. I was somewhere cold, dark, and lonely. Is that what it's like to. Die?. Returning from being written out of history.

Like we're in another world. About 2300 AD. You cocky boxes of bolts!Robo.

Good morning, mistress. What is your command?. To Lucca after she repairs him. Name? Ah, my serial number. It is R66-Y.

Chrono Trigger Magus

Something is written in archaic script. I will translate. System error! I reversed it!

It says 'Melchior!' . Upon finding the broken hilt of Masamune. The Time Gyro says. 12,000 years in the past?!

That was some trip!. Upon first traveling to the Dark Ages. Systems reactivated. Wh, where am I? Chrono, how nice to see you. For you, it was a quick hop, but for me 400 long years have passed. The effort was worth it!

The forest has grown back! Now, let us celebrate our 400th year reunion. After reviving Fiona's forest. After 400 years of experience, I have come to think that Lavos may not be responsible for the Gates. It is unknown, whose memories these are.

It may be something beyond our comprehension. Our journey may come to an end when we finally discover the identity of the Entity. Shall we turn in for the night?. Contemplating the origin of the gates. I'll give you my legs!

They're lightweight and well balanced. You could mount some treads on me instead. To Lucca after she fails to save her mother from the accident. I'm sorry but. I cannot afford to lose anything else. Not my precious memories, or my irreplaceable friends. Humans have taught me much.

Crono, Marle, Lucca, Frog, and Ayla. I will not betray my friends.

To Mother Brain. A.D. Data confirmed!.

Time of Lavos's Apocalypse. Lucca, YOU have taught me these emotions. Thank you. To Lucca before he returns to the new future.

Caution! Oil has washed over my sight sensors. Sight diminished. Before entering the gate to the new future.Others.

You're a marshmallow, Glenn. Cyrus. All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu. This is the truth!

This is my belief!At least for now. Belthasar in 'The Mystery of Life' Vol.

26. It all began aeons ago, when man's ancestors picked up a shard of strange red rock.

Its power, which was beyond human comprehension, cultivated dreams. In turn, love and hate were born. Only time will see how it all ends. Belthasar's book in Kajar. This is the eternal kingdom of Zeal, where dreams can come true. But at what price?. Doreen in Enhasa.

Colony survival gameplay. You Have To Build, Recruit Slaves Colonists And Create A Town On Your Own.

I'm Doreen. Seek the hidden path, and open the doors of knowledge, each in turn.

Doreen in Enhasa. Am I butterfly dreaming I'm a man? Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi? Never assume what you see and feel is real!. Doreen (playing on a famous quote by ). Water summons Wind, Wind makes Fire dance!.

Code to unlock Nu secret room in Enhasa and Kajar. In our world, every storm has an end. Every night has a new morning. What's important is to trust those you love, and never give up. We must all keep hope alive. Nun at Cathedral in 600 AD. Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will their energy strengthen you.

Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. Gaspar. Male.female.what's the difference? Power is beautiful, and I've got the power!.

Flea. Dear me.! How many times have I told you to keep your pets outside!!. Crono's Mom, about Frog. Congrats on finishing the game. Now get a life!!.

Eiji Nakamura in the 'Programmers' Ending. Stop degrading yourselves! We Enlightened Ones were once the same as you.

The only difference is that we are under Lavos' control. Schala. Behold, my pretties! Destiny, in its most brutal form. All the dreams that might have been.

All the happiness and sorrow you might have experienced. Gone forever!!!

For you there will be no tomorrow! The Black Omen transcends time and space, waiting for Lavos to awaken! Destiny has led you here.

And here you shall rest forever, unless you defeat me, and smash the Omen! Perhaps I can persuade Lavos to share his dreams to you! Did I say dreams?

I meant his eternal nightmare!. Queen Zeal. This weapon represents considerable power. Your actions may either save or destroy life.

Wield your sword with full knowledge of the consequences!. Melchior. To bring back lost loved ones. It's what everyone wants. Crono must be proud. To have friends like you. Gaspar.

My name is Gato/I have metal joints/Beat me up/And you'll earn fifteen silver points!. Gato (singing).

(When exiting a portal that came up in a closet in a imp's house) Did you guys just come out of the closet? Get out of here!. Imp in Medina. HP/MP restored!

But you're still hungry. 2300 A.D., after using a sleep chamber.External links.

Magus is a major anti-hero in Chrono Trigger.AppearancesJanus was the son of during the Dark Ages. His mother became maddened after discovering the existence of, an alien parasite that dwelled beneath the planet's surface. Becoming a power-hungry queen, she used the Mammon Machine, a device created by one of the three Time Gurus, to channel Lavos's power, which would allow her to become immortal. She eventually summoned Lavos itself, which prompted the opening of a time gate that sent Janus, along with the three Time Gurus, to different parts of history.

Lavos unleashed its power and destroyed the Kingdom of Zeal completely.Janus ended up in the Middle Ages, where he bumped into, who attacked him with his minions. Janus somehow convinced Ozzie that he came to the Middle Ages to lead the Fiends to conquer the world. Janus changed his name to Magus, and as he grew, he became an extremely powerful sorcerer. He essentially had only one goal in mind: to destroy Lavos at all costs.

For this purpose, he spent years studying storybooks as well as arcane magic, at the same time during which he led the Fiends in their war against humans. He was helped by his three henchmen: Ozzie himself,. He was challenged by Cyrus, the legendary hero who wielded the legendary sword known as the Masamune, but Magus easily killed him, also turning his friend Glenn, who watched the entire scene, into an anthropomorphic frog in the process.When the time came, Magus summoned Lavos and fought him, but he ended up being killed while his castle was completely destroyed. Without their leader, the Fiends lost their war against humans. The remaining Fiends built the Medina Village, where they continued to socially distance themselves from humans.

Somehow, the Fiends were thoroughly convinced that Magus created Lavos so that he could use it to destroy the world, so history recorded said assumption as the truth.After visiting the ruined future, Crono, Marle and Lucca, along with Robo, began looking for clues on how to destroy Lavos and therefore save the future. They visited Medina Village during the present time, where they were told by the monster Heckran that Lavos was created by Magus. They then decided to defeat Magus in the Middle Ages so that Lavos would never be created.

They eventually convinced Frog to re-join their group after giving him the restored Masamune, so said group then sets after Magus' Castle. Inside said castle, they fought and defeated Slash and Flea, so Ozzie made a last-ditch effort of his own to stop their progress, only to end up ironically falling into a pit that he himself created. Crono's group then proceeded into the castle shrine, where Magus wass making his ritual to summon Lavos. Stopped by Crono's group, he fought said group.

After a fierce battle, Magus ended up being defeated, but said defeat caused his ritual to go awry, creating a massive time gate that sent Magus back to the Dark Ages while Crono's group was sent to the Prehistoric Age.After being sent back to his native time period, Magus decided to take advantage of his knowledge of past events and disguise himself as a prophet in order to gain the trust of Queen Zeal. When Crono and the others arrived in the Dark Ages and made their way into the Zeal Palace, they were greeted by said queen, who had already been expecting them due to the fact that Magus had already told her that they would arrive and cause disaster. She ordered her lackey, Dalton, to finish them, so he summoned a Golem that easily defeated all of them. Trapped where the Mammon Machine was, they were then rescued by Schala, who is the Queen's daughter and Magus' sister, but Magus interrupted and ordered Schala to send them back to where they came. They went to the time gate from whence they had came and entered it, as Schala sealed it shut. However, Crono's group eventually found the Epoch, which was created by a Time Guru named Belthasar, in the future.Back in the Dark Ages, Crono's group entered the Ocean Palace to chase after Queen Zeal. In said palace's inner chamber, said queen was forcing Schala to use her magical powers to operate the Mammon Machine at full power, while Magus was watching.

When Crono arrived, he used a dagger given to him by a Time Guru named Melchior to stop the machine, but unfortunately, it was already too late. Lavos emerged from its slumber and attacked everyone. Magus finally revealed himself and attacked Lavos with all of his might, but he was unable to even scratch said monster; all the while, Lavos was also draining away his magic powers. Crono then made an incredibly desperate final attempt to stop Lavos, but ended up being thoroughly killed by said monster. History repeated itself, and the Kingdom of Zeal was destroyed. Meanwhile, Schala used her remaining magical power to save Magus and the others.Later on, Magus was busy depressedly watching over the ruined land of the Dark Ages from a cape, when Frog confronted him. Magus revealed everything about both himself and Lavos, also blaming Crono for being a reckless fool and getting himself killed by Lavos in the process as he does so.

Frog gets extremely offended by Magus' words, but Magus is more than eager to take him on. If the player made the correct moral choice in said scenario, however, Frog ultimately gave up on fighting Magus, since killing Magus wasn't going to bring Crono or Cyrus back. As Frog tried to leave the place with his fellow main protagonists of the game, however, Magus called them and offered to join them, since both he and them had essentially the same goal.

He helped them resurrect Crono and later defeat Lavos. After Lavos was destroyed, Magus immediately went straight back to the Dark Ages in hopes of finding Schala and re-uniting with her.PersonalityMagus is vengeful and a very determined person. He is remarkably cold to those around him, including his comrades. Even as a child, he was cold and distant, especially towards his mother, who he knew was being corrupted by Lavos. He rarely speaks with others, and when he does, his purpose for doing so is often to threaten them. Magus even has a rather dark sense of humor, making fun of Frog's predicament after transforming Glenn into said frog. He does, however, possess some good qualities and also genuinely care about Schala, who seems to be the only other member of his family that he actually cares about. To Magus, the ends justify the means, and therefore, he is willing to go to great lengths just to have revenge against Lavos.

After Lavos is defeated, Magus remains a loner and leaves shortly to find his sister Schala. Despite this, however, Magus stays very loyal to his allies and has helped his friends defeat some very powerful foes.Heroic Acts. Helping Crono, Marle and Frog defeat Lavos.